I want to say thanks for being such a big fan of Annapurna. We got really far last year and hope to make even more strides this year. If you'd like to help there are some tasty rewards! If you review Annapurna on Board Game Geek along we will enter you into a raffle to win a paid Annapurna Pizza Party!

That's right, we will pay for your pizza! We will reimburse up to $70 of pizza and all you have to do is post a review, and send us a link. We'll enter you into the raffle and 5 lucky people will win a pizza party. If you've already written a review, don't worry, we'll still accept it, but you need to send us a link!

We will be using PayPal to reimburse people, so make sure you're able to accept payments that way! The winners will be announced 3/21, so make sure to check our blog then!
Have a great day and keep on climbing!